Kathrin: You have tried several sausages in Franconia. What sets the Coburger Bratwurst apart from other sausages?
Tom: Okay, the Coburger is way, way different from the other sausages in Franconia. Like many of the others, it sticks to tradition and the recipe is guarded. What I like about the Coburger is that, while it consists of 80% pork and bacon (great choice here), but the injection of beef, egg, and a bit of lemon and nutmeg level it up in comparison to many of the others. Clearly, preparation is key. And this is before we get into the wonderful tradition of grilling it over pine cones for that smokey, sweet flavor. I remember watching bacon fat drip atop the cones, creating a fiery blaze that I knew would taste wonderful…and it certainly did.
Kathrin: I am glad you mentioned the preparation. What did you think when you saw the bratwurst being grilled over pinecones? How did it taste?
Tom: Oh, it was delightful. The aroma of that bacon fat (who doesn’t love bacon fat?) dripping atop the pine cones is still memorable. When I took a bite, it was nothing like I was anticipating. It was delightfully fatty. I could see the wonderful chunks after the first bite. The smokiness of the grilled sausage hit pretty quickly and engulfed the mouth. It was heady and sweet and complemented the meat perfectly. You could tell from the moment the Coburger hits the grill, it’s something truly special.